Terms of Reference for MIS Specialist

Terms of Reference for MIS Specialist

Position :    Management Information Systems (MIS) Specialist –  Jakarta Based

Duties and Responsibilities

The MIS Specialist will support the Coordinator of the M&E and Accountability Working Group in overseeing the design and establishment of a MIS to monitor the performance of national poverty reduction programs. He/she will be responsible for supervising and providing technical inputs on the development of the MIS, which will be carried out by a contracted firm. The MIS Specialist will also be responsible for maintaining the MIS and ensuring that users are able to access data through user-friendly interfaces when needed. As an integral member of the M&E and Accountability Working Group, he/she will work closely with staff and other working groups under the Executive Secretary, and will be responsible for selecting and liaising with service providers. Specific activities will include:

Designing an integrated MIS for the National Team

  • Conduct a stocking taking of MIS systems and practices that currently exist for poverty reduction programs and plans to create MIS for individual programs.
  • Conduct a review of MIS systems and institutional arrangements used in Indonesia and globally; prepare a report on lessons learned and best practices that are relevant for the National Team.
  • Carry out consultations with key government offices, implementing agencies and development partners to discuss the need for an integrated MIS and collect inputs on the design and preparation of the system.
  • Prepare a report formulating the design of an integrated MIS, including proposed institutional arrangements, which will be submitted for the consideration of the National Team.

Building and socializing an integrated MIS

  • Provide support in the procurement process for selection of a contractor to provide the technical design and build the database and MIS (note: procurement policies will depend on the source of the funding for the MIS which remains to be determined).
  • In close cooperation with the contractor, prepare a workplan and identify key performance indicators.
  • Socialize the design of the MIS with implementing agencies and ensure buy-in for streamlining and linking program-specific MIS to the planned integrated MIS; liaise with implementing agencies to define the standard data that is needed for the integrated MIS.
  • Monitor progress of the contractor against the workplan, review and document progress towards key performance indicators which will trigger contractual payments.
  • Prepare regular progress reports for the M&E and Accountability Working Group and the National Team on the preparation of the MIS.

Overseeing implementation of the MIS

  • Work with the contractor to prepared user-friendly manual on how to use the MIS.
  • Socialize the MIS and demonstrate how it works with the National Team, Executive Secretariat, and members from all working groups; arrange for trainings on how to access and use the MIS dashboard and maintain the system.
  • Provide technical assistance to implementing agencies on the design, implementation and improvements of program specific MIS that contribute to the integrated MIS.
  • Oversee regular maintenance of the MIS.
  • Prepare regular reports based on findings from the MIS for submission to working groups, the Executive Secretary, and the National Team.

Selection Criteria

  1. Education and technical skills: Advanced degree in computer science, mathematics, MIS, or related field. Training in computer programming with SQL, MS Access; proficiency in computer programming languages is an advantage including Visual Basic, Web Programming with PHP or other tools.
  2. Practical work experience: 10 – 15 years experience working with WAN and programming database systems, designing internet-based distribution networks, and designing and developing websites. Experience in developed monitoring systems is strongly preferred. Prior experience working with Government of Indonesia data systems and
  3. Communication and client relations: Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills. He/she should be able to effectively communicate internally and externally, share information with colleagues, clients, and management. Demonstrated experience working closely with government counterparts is an advantage.
  4. Team work: Able to work effectively with a range of government agencies, development partners (including donors, multilateral agencies and non-government agencies). A strong record of working across organizational boundaries is required.
  5. Time management: Ability to prioritize and manage time efficiently. Results oriented and focused. Can handle multiple tasks effectively and coordinate a team to meet deadlines; ability to manage uncertainty and adjust to a changing work program.
  6. Language skills: Working knowledge of written/spoken Indonesian is essential; Working knowledge of written/spoken English is an advantage.

Please refer to the source : tnp2k.waparesri.go.id

Terms of Reference for Evaluation Specialist

Terms of Reference

Position :    Evaluation Specialist –  Jakarta Based

Duties and Responsibilities

The Evaluation Specialist will support the Executive Secretary of the National Team in overseeing design and implementation of evaluations of national poverty reduction programs. This will include supervision of the design, methods, and analysis for both quantitative and qualitative evaluations that will be carried out by development partners and service providers. The Evaluation Specialist will be an integral member of the M&E and Accountability Working Group and will support the Executive Secretary in achieving commitments to commission and oversee evaluations across all Clusters of poverty reduction programs. He/she will work closely with staff and other working groups under the Executive Secretary, and will be responsible for selecting and liaising with service providers. Specific activities will include:

Preparing an evaluation workplan for the National Team

  • Conduct a stocking taking of major evaluations of poverty reduction programs that have been conducted to date and evaluations that are either in progress or in the pipeline.
  • Carry out consultations with key government agencies and development partners to identify priority policy questions and opportunities for qualitative and quantitative evaluations to respond to these questions.
  • Draft guidelines for the working group outlining the process for submitting and approving concept notes for evaluations, selecting consultants/institutions to implement the assessment, and finalizing and approving evaluation reports.
  • Prepare an overall evaluation workplan for poverty reduction programs, incorporating government-commissioned and donor-commissioned studies, for approval by the Working Group Coordinator and members, and submission to the National Team.

Overseeing implementation of the evaluation workplan

  • Provide methodological and other technical support for quantitative and qualitative studies included in the workplan. Specific areas of support include:
    1. Reviewing concept notes, research and methodological designs.
    2. Providing inputs on survey instruments and TORs for survey work.
    3. Reviewing data analysis and final reports for quantitative studies.
  • Liaise, as necessary, with Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Stastik) to ensure that survey instruments collect necessary information for program evaluation; ensure accessibility of data for service providers.
  • Conduct regular coordination meetings with working group members and service providers to ensure that evaluation activities are carried out on-time and meet agreed quality standards.

Providing technical assistance to implementing agencies

  • Socialize the evaluation plan with implementing agencies to improve awareness and ensure buy-in.
  • Provide technical advice to agencies responsible for the design of poverty reduction programs to ensure the incorporation of a rigorous monitoring and evaluation plan at early design stages.
  • Prepare guidelines and prepare assistance to implementing agencies in the collection and reporting of baseline data.

Preparing Policy Inputs for the National Team

  • Prepare regular progress reports against the evaluation plan for delivery to the National Team.
  • Review, pre-approve and submit final evaluation reports to the M&E and Accountability Working Group Coordinator and members.
  • Prepare presentations and policy notes for delivery to the National Team, Secretariat, implementing agencies, and development partners to communicate evaluation findings and recommendations.

Selection Criteria

  • Education and analytical skills: Advanced degree in economics, social sciences, or statistics. Strong quantitative and statistical analysis skills are required. Familiarity with Indonesian datasets is an advantage.
  • Practical work experience: Minimum of eight to ten years of relevant professional experience; minimum of three years conducting implementation and impact evaluations, and designing and fielding surveys is essential.
  • Communication and client relations: Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills. He/she should be able to effectively communicate internally and externally, share information with colleagues, clients, and management. Excellent presentational and writing skills are required.
  • Team work: Proven ability to lead or participate in a multi-disciplinary team of field researchers. Able to work effectively with a range of government agencies, development partners (including donors, multilateral agencies and non-government agencies). A strong record of working across organizational boundaries is required.

Please refer to the source : tnp2k.waparesri.go.id

Terms of Reference for LGD Specialist

Terms of Reference for LGD Specialist

Position :    Local Government and Development (LGD) Specialist –  Jakarta Based

Duties & Responsibilities

The Local Government and Development Specialist (LGD) Specialist shall perform the following key functions:

  1. Assist the Working Group Head in the development of PNPM Mandiri Road Map and policy recommendations for:
    • strengthening institutional and community groups developed by PNPM Mandiri and others community empowerment program
    • strengthening the role of local government at PNPM Mandiri as part of bureaucracy reform and decentralization framework
    • strengthening and further development of PNPM Mandiri institutional setting for improvement of local planning process
  2. strengthening local government management capability in delivery better public services for communities
  3. conduct review, monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation of PNPM Mandiri program and other community driven development programs
  4. Conduct socialization of PNPM Mandiri to key stakeholders in the central government, local government, and civil society as necessary
  5. Support the Secretariat of National Team for Accelerating Poverty Reduction
  6. Perform other tasks as specified by the Head of the Working Group

The LGD Specialist shall report to the Head of the Working Group and shall work closely with the PNPM Mandiri stakeholders from the line ministries and departments, donors, NGOs, and other institutions. The LGD Specialist shall conduct review, discussions, field visits, and workshops as necessary.

Selection Criteria

In order to successfully perform the tasks, the LGD Specialist shall have the following qualifications:

  • Masters Degree in a relevant field
  • At least ten years of experience on Community Driven Development works and has held a strategic position at a large scale development project, preferably PNPM Mandiri
  • Good knowledge of PNPM Mandiri Program and good network with its stakeholders
  • Willing to travel extensively
  • Fluency in written and spoken English and Indonesian
  • Able to operate basic computer applications such as word processing and presentation software.

Please refer to the source : tnp2k.waparesri.go.id

Terms of Reference for PIO Officer

Terms of Reference

Position : Program Implementation Officer – Jakarta Based

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Leads the relationship with the local TKPK in relation to community mobilization in support of PRIF/TNP2K
  • In conjunction with program partners, identifies opportunities for improving the participation of local TKPK and governance in support of community-level PRIF activities, particularly the Poverty Reduction program
  • Identifies opportunities for and leads training programs and workshops in support of program aims in relation to community mobilization and institutional capacity building
  • Ensures that program interventions support an integrated approach to district Poverty reduction planning and implementation
  • Ensure open communication with local TKPK specifically related to policy implementation
  • Provides advice to the Head of Implementation unit , Head of Secretary and Executive Secretary on constructive ways to improve program performance
  • Provides advice to the Senior Management Team on issues likely to affect program progress or quality and proposes strategies for addressing issues as they arise.

Selection Criteria

  1. Education and technical skills: Bachelor Degree in any major, preferably in economics.
  2. Practical work experience: 10 – 15 years experience. Experience in developed monitoring systems is strongly preferred. Prior experience working with Government of Indonesia
  3. Communication and client relations: Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills. He/she should be able to effectively communicate internally and externally, share information with colleagues, clients, and management. Demonstrated experience working closely with government counterparts is an advantage.
  4. Team work: Able to work effectively with a range of government agencies, development partners (including donors, multilateral agencies and non-government agencies). A strong record of working across organizational boundaries is required.
  5. Time management: Ability to prioritize and manage time efficiently. Results oriented and focused. Can handle multiple tasks effectively and coordinate a team to meet deadlines; ability to manage uncertainty and adjust to a changing work program.
  6. Language skills: Working knowledge of written/spoken Indonesian is essential; Working knowledge of written/spoken English is an advantage.

Please refer to the source : tnp2k.wapresri.go.id